Except for the fact that I never stated that your question was correct.


J. C. O'Connell wrote:
> No, I did lie and I am not a liar. I DID
> Ask you why you used M42 lenses stopped 
> Down all the time ( which was a mistake
> Because you didn't say that ) but you
> Answered it anyway without any protest
> which is what perpetuated The questioning!
> The matter would have been dropped much
> Earlier if you hadnt basically agreed
> To my question as being correct.
> jco
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
> Adam Maas
> Sent: Sunday, October 15, 2006 3:51 PM
> To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
> Subject: Re: K1D aperture simulator, part Three (III)- NOT
> Since you claimed I said something, then used your post to back up the 
> claim (Depsite me proving I said no such thing). You are most definitely
> a liar.
> -Adam
> J. C. O'Connell wrote:
>> I am not a liar. I responded to MY question "( Why do you
>> Use M42 bodies and lenses stopped down ALL the time").
>> With that it was faster. Those were your words not mine.
>> Secondly, you never stated you needed to see DOF
>> All the time, most sane people just check it and
>> Go back to wide open to compose and shoot.
>> Lastly, even if I made a mistake ( which ALL people do
>> >From time to time ) regarding whether you said most
>> Or all, it doesn't make me a liar, it makes me mistaken
>> Which is a big difference.
>> JCO
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
> Of
>> Adam Maas
>> Sent: Sunday, October 15, 2006 2:54 PM
>> To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
>> Subject: Re: K1D aperture simulator, part Three (III)- NOT
>> My disinclination to correct your misstatement does not mean that I 
>> stated it is so, especially when I'd stated immediately upthread how I
>> actually did use it. So you are using your own statement as your proof
>> that I said something, making you a fucking liar (not that that was in
>> doubt previously, given your refusal to admit to your own statements
> on 
>> why old lenses should be supported when WR pointed out a major 
>> conttradiction in your position).
>> And focusing and composing stopped down can be faster, since focusing 
>> speed is pretty much the same from wide open to stopped down 1-2 stops
>> and I don't have to pause and use the DoF stop-down to confirm DoF and
>> adjust focus to meet DoF requirements. Of course, this only applies to
>> bodies which can operate in both modes, like M42 bodies or Mamiya
> 645's.
>> -Adam
>> J. C. O'Connell wrote:
>>> I specifically asked you WHY WHY WHY you did
>>> It all the time (that was my error) and you replied because its
>>> Faster, you didn't correct me and say you
>>> Did it some or most of the time with your
>>> Reply at that time so blame doesn't go only my way on this.
>>> Secondly, its not faster anytime is it?
>>> How is focussing and composing with the lens
>>> Aperture Closed EVER faster when you have an open
>>> Aperture body and lens? 
>>> jco
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
>> Of
>>> Adam Maas
>>> Sent: Sunday, October 15, 2006 12:17 PM
>>> To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
>>> Subject: Re: K1D aperture simulator, part Three (III)- NOT
>>> Actually, I just dug through my sent mail folder to find out exactly 
>>> what I had said on the issue. I did NOT say 'all the time', I said
>> this:
>>> "Hell, I don't even use auto-aperture function on my M42 lenses most
>> of 
>>> the time on my M42 bodies (yeah, I still shoot with a Chinon CM-3 on 
>>> occasion, and even more rarely with my Spotty).
>>> -Adam "
>>> So, JCO, do I get an apology about you putting words in my mouth
> (Even
>>> if you did misuse that phrase as well) or are you just a liar?
>>> -Adam
>>> Adam Maas wrote:
>>>> No, aparently you are unfamiliar with the general usage of the
> phrase
>>>> 'all the time', which means 'on a regular basis'.
>>>> -Adam
>>>> J. C. O'Connell wrote:
>>>>> See , you changed your story. You initially stated
>>>>> You shot stopped down ALL THE TIME which was the 
>>>>> Very reason I pressed on the matter because it was
>>>>> Senseless way to opertate.
>>>>> jco
>>>>> -----Original Message-----
> Behalf
>>> Of
>>>>> Adam Maas
>>>>> Sent: Saturday, October 14, 2006 9:54 AM
>>>>> To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
>>>>> Subject: Re: K1D aperture simulator, part Three (III)- NOT
>>>>> Except, based on the caveats I gave (Close to wide open, in good
>>> light),
>>>>> your arguments are incorrect.
>>>>> Your arguments are only correct for small apertures and low light.
>> IN
>>>>> which case, I focus wide open. And I rarely do the former, ant
>>> typically
>>>>> use my open-aperture only gear for the latter.
>>>>> -Adam
>>>>> J. C. O'Connell wrote:
>>>>>> It is NOT faster to focus stopped down, the wider DOF and dimmer
>>> image
>>>>>> Makes it HARDER not easier to focus accurately. Why
>>>>>> Do you think auto aperture cameras and lenses were developed
>>>>>> Way back in the 50's? Because its easier and faster way
>>>>>> To work. I know because I have been using those cameras
>>>>>> For years and years too. Less DOF means easier focus. Period.
>>>>>> I am not arguing how he works, I am arguing the REASON
>>>>>> He gave. 
>>>>>> jco
>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>> Behalf
>>>>> Of
>>>>>> Shel Belinkoff
>>>>>> Sent: Saturday, October 14, 2006 12:56 AM
>>>>>> To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
>>>>>> Subject: RE: K1D aperture simulator, part Three (III)- NOT
>>>>>> You're just making a fool of yourself.  What hubris to tell
> someone
>>>>> how
>>>>>> they choose to photograph or use their gear is wrong.
>>>>>> Let me tell you something ... I don't know how old you are or how
>>> long
>>>>>> you've been photographing, but I'm willing to wager you're not as
>>> old
>>>>> as
>>>>>> I
>>>>>> and that you've not been photographing as long either.  When I
> shot
>>>>> with
>>>>>> Spotties back in the late sixties, I'd often shoot with the lens
>>>>> stopped
>>>>>> down, and depending on the lens, light, and scene, I'd shoot @ 5.6
>>> or
>>>>>> 8.0. 
>>>>>> I knew EXACTLY what I was doing.  Shooting that way could be fast
>>> and
>>>>>> accurate.  With the better finders of today - brighter and more
>>>>>> contrasty -
>>>>>> it's even easier to shoot in that manner.
>>>>>> Anyway,  YOU don't have to see it.  It's what Adam sees that
>>> matters.
>>>>>> To call someone you don't know stupid and a liar here in a public
>>>>> forum
>>>>>> shows more about you and your character than you probably want us
>> to
>>>>>> know.  
>>>>>> Shel
>>>>>>> [Original Message]
>>>>>>> From: J. C. O'Connell 
>>>>>>> See my last post, your reason for doing so is flawed 
>>>>>>> And there are other reasons why its worse too.
>>>>>>> jco
>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>> Adam Maas
>>>>>>> John, You Ignorant Slut,
>>>>>>> It's quicker and I can see what's in focus at all times. Simple
> as
>>>>>> that.
>>>>>>> Just because you don't, doesn't mean I can't.
>>>>>>> -Adam
>>>>>>> J. C. O'Connell wrote:
>>>>>>>> When the thread title is stupid I am going to comment on it.
>>>>>>>> Secondly why havent you told us WHY WHY WHY you shoot with
>>>>>>>> M42 auto-aperture lenses and bodies stopped down all the time?
>>>>>>>> I don't believe it, either your stupid for doing so or your
>>>>>>>> A liar for saying so unless you have some good explanation
>>>>>>>> For doing so which I simply cant imagine as I am a LONG TIME
>>>>>>>> User of M42 bodies and lenses and that makes no sense whatsoever
>>>>>>>> To me at this point. I'd love to hear your reason for doing so.
>>>>>>>> Maybe there is something I am missing but I cant see it.

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