Hi Gang,

I've tried following the various threads and messages about the Pentax
Nucor 22-bit converter-chip-engine-whatever-it-is thing, and have either
been lost in the dust of techno-speak and the more advanced discussions, or
turned of by the idle speculation of one thing or another.  However, I've
been trying to understand what's going on inside the K10D.

So, here's the way I see the new Pentax system. It's using the 22-bit Nucor
technology to produce a 12-bit output, but because the processing starts
with a far greater input, tonality, detail, smoothness, etc., is improved
(somewhat akin to working in 16-bit mode in PS and then converting to 8-bit
for printing or web work). At some point, it seems, the output can be
boosted to 14-bit or 16-bit. The file sizes would be quite a bit larger,
however, with all the problems that involves.
Speculation: If the response to this technology is good, Pentax may be able
to boost the output to 14 or 16 bits on subsequent cameras, such as the new
higher spec model they are rumored to be working on, or an upgraded version
of the K10D (K10D-II).

Does my understanding of the technology seem about right?  If not, in plain
ol' simple English, where does it fall down.


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