That's great! Congratulations on your achievments so far.
Well done to grab that bull by it's horn, so to speak...

I did literature for my first round at university, have published some, have 
had expectations that I'd go for a novel, but haven't really tried. Yet.
Maybe yours will be an example that might push me closer to trying it too.

Keep us posted on your progress.


From: "Paul Stenquist" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Pentax-Discuss Mail List" <>
Sent: Saturday, October 21, 2006 2:47 AM
Subject: Way OT: How I spent my summer

> After having written several hundred magazine articles and countless
> advertisements, I finished the first draft of my first novel today:
> 70,700 words. It will probably grow a bit as I revise it, since my
> early revisions have found me adding more detail and transitions. But
> i'm very pleased with the plot structure. It's the first person,
> present tense narrative of a schizophrenic advertising writer who
> gradually grows more insane. The narrative is divided between the
> reality based character and his deluded counterpart. Every time the
> narrative switches to the alternate personality, the chapter ends and
> a new one begins. The working title is _Both of Us_. I think the
> ending qualifies as a shocker. I sketched out a plot for it many
> years ago and wrote a couple thousand words at one time. This summer
> I decided that I had to write it. I'm not getting any younger. I
> started in July and finished the first draft today. Feels good.
> Revisions kick off Monday. I've revised as I wrote, so it's pretty
> tight for a first draft. Hope to have it ready for submission in
> about eight weeks. This explains in part while I've done nothing more
> than photograph my granddaughter this summer.
> Paul
> -- 
> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

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