That's a nice shot.  The blue sky and star effect don't "pop" quite as
much as I have seen in other images, but that's not necessarily a bad
thing.  Is it generally true that the more you stop down the bigger
the star effect?


Jack Davis wrote:
>Have traveled eastern Sierra Hwy 395 several times in the fall. Always
>find it a worthwhile leaf search.
>This was taken, as I remember, just north of Conway Summit, in a valley
>off to the west of the hwy.
>One in the valley, we meandered down a tire track lane for a ways and
>came upon a hastily scrawled warning sign; DANGER, bear in the area
>tried to break into our trailer!
>We turned and headed back to the car at a purposeful gate. At a point
>not far from the car, I turned to check to see what might be gaining on
>us, and saw this scene. Not that dramatic, but it doesn't offend me and
>reminds me of another recorded moment in the photo image chase.
>Comments invited.

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