-------------- Original message ----------------------
From: "Scott Loveless" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sounds fun, Tom.  I've always wanted to make out that way.  Stop
> anywhere on the way?
> Now start scanning!  We want photos and we all know how much you love to scan.

We stopped lots of places. 1,616 slides worth. Colorado NM, Dinosaur NM, Arches 
NP, Canyonlands NP (both Islands in the Sky and Needles), Monument Valley, 
Grand Canyon NP (north rim), Zion NP, Cedar Breaks NM, Bryce Canyon NP, Capitol 
Reef NP and some other side of the road places.

2400 miles of motorcycle touring through some of the prettiest country I ever 

I had an interesting experience in the Dulles airport. I took 80 rolls of film 
with me and put them all in ziplock bags - 4 bags 20 rolls in each. I handed 
the bags to the guy at the walk through thing and he told me to put them 
through the x-ray machine. I asked for hand inspection and you never saw such a 
POed bunch of Federales in your life.
We had plenty of time before the plane took off so I waited while they used 
some kind of swab on each and every roll. They wrote my name down on a list 
when they finished. I think I've been officially labelled as a troublemaker 

We had a hellacious thunderstorm camping at Ruby's Inn outside of Bryce. We 
could see the flashes of lightning through the walls of the tent. Yes I know it 
was dangerous...

Sadly, I used my Canon 1V instead of my MZ-S so I won't be putting any of these 
shots into the PUG. We only had room for one set of lenses and my SO only has a 
Canon digital body.

That damned scanner....you know not what you ask. I'll put a couple shots on 

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