In order of use. Stop when lens is clean.

1. Bon Ami (hasn't scratched yet)
2. Comet
3. SOS.
4. Steel wire paint removal brush
5. Electric drill with grinding wheel.

If you get to #5 and the lens still isn't clean, throw it away and get a new 

Tom C.

>From: "J. C. O'Connell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Reply-To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List <>
>To: "'Pentax-Discuss Mail List'" <>
>Subject: RE: Best way to clean those difficult Multicoatings?
>Date: Thu, 2 Nov 2006 17:26:12 -0500
>Oh no, I use alcohol nearly all the time and it works wonders
>On most lenses but I buff them off with new q-tips or a soft
>Cloth to perfection after using the alcohol. What I am having
>Trouble with is the buffing stage on SOME non pentax multicoatings.
>It just doesn't want to get clean no matter how I try.
>-----Original Message-----
>Sent: Thursday, November 02, 2006 5:05 PM
>To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
>Subject: Re: Best way to clean those difficult Multicoatings?
>On 11/02/06 4:51 PM, "J. C. O'Connell", <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On occasion I run into lenses and filters ( Usually not Pentax )
> > Which have nice multicoatings but are extremely difficult
> > To get clean. I have tried alcohol, water, soapy water,
> > Etc but these are a real pain and sometime I just give
> > Up without getting them clean to my satisfaction.
> > Anybody know what I am talking about here and what's your
> > Best solution (pun intended)? Thanks in advance.
>I share your pain and am somewhat surprised that you have found the
>"solution" a long time ago.
>My experience is that the solution was never a solution.  Whenever I
>experimented with solution, be it home-made or Kodak or otherwise, it
>seem to leave streaks.
>So far, I have been using "microfibre" cloth which cleanly wipe out
>everything without any trace of anything.  It's probably kind to the
>BTW, your capital letters on each line give me hiccups, so 7 hiccups in
>seconds.  I know you have to blame Bill gates :-)
>PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
>PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

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