On 11/4/06, Tom C <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If I take a RAW .PEF file and adjust exposure -1 and +1 stop, saving each as
> another .PEF in Adobe Camera Raw, would that not for all intents and
> purposes, be the same as having taken three separate exposures at -1/0/+1 ?

Somewhat yes, somewhat no. Depends on what the highlights and shadow
areas in the picture look like.

To further explain:

1. Camera raw has some ability to "fudge" blown-out highlights. When
you go beyond the range of the digital sensor, you're always going to
lose some information. Camera raw attempts to put some of that back at
least. It's not perfect, but it can be enough to salvage a blown-out

2. On the shadow end of things, if the shadows are completely blocked
up (black), nothing is going to get you any more information out of
them. By "developing" in camera raw for the shadows, you may get
yourself image data that is easier to work with WRT shadow details
that are there.

The technique you are talking about is usable to a certain extent
though. If you have a high-contrast scene, it can be useful to save
time in post-processing, or to simply make things easier in the realm
of dodging and burning.  Remember though, if the information isn't
there in the original exposure, nothing is going to bring it back.

A VERY good primer on the subject is located here:


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