Hello John,

It is much better now, looks a lot more stormier and it has a more
dramatic look. I never tried to take such pitcures, but I realize that
it is very difficult to get the exposure right. It is a subject worth
studying, and many different interpretations can be made.


Friday, November 17, 2006, 12:45:06 AM, you wrote:

JC> Thanks Attila and Boris - I did indeed shoot these in RAW format, and I have
JC> just gone back to the originals and re-worked them with minimum changes.
JC> For the record:
JC> Convert from RAW with 100% sharpness at 3008x2008 and 720 dpi., no change to
JC> exposure settings.  The originals were shot with 1 stop under exposure
JC> dialled in.
JC> Resize to 800 pixels wide for the landscape shot, 600 for the portrait
JC> version, no sharpening or exposure adjustments, convert to 8bits per channel
JC> and save as jpegs at 96ppi, resampled using Bicubic.
JC> The results are on
JC> http://members.iinet.net.au/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/IMGP1500.jpg
JC> http://members.iinet.net.au/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/IMGP1501.jpg

JC> and you are welcome to have a look at those, download them and experiment!

JC> I do agree that, in my original conversions, I probably made them too light,
JC> losing some of the drama of the originals, and also probably oversharpened
JC> them.  But that was 4000 images ago, and I've learned a lot since then (well
JC> that's my excuse!)

JC> John Coyle
JC> Brisbane, Australia

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