> Bob,
> Photographically, the first pic has big flare
> problems.  The second one is much better.  The sign
> inside the chuch is way out of focus.

Flare is only a problem if you think it's a problem! Personally I
don't think it is in this picture - I think it adds something
dramatic. I think the 2nd picture is just a bit of a boring record

Ditto for the photo of the sign. It serves its purpose, which is to
show the childrens' names. I don't think it's out of focus, I think
it's either camera shake from the relatively low light in the church,
and the slow lens, or some sort of blurring from the glass panel over
the document.

> As far as the subject matter is concerned (Warning:
> WAY OT), it is very recent (within the last 100 years)
> that one's infants are most likely going to survive to
> adulthood in the developed world.  Modern sanitation
> cut the childhood mortality rate from well over 50
> percent in the early 19th century (good records are
> lacking) to about 20 percent in the early 20th, and
> immunizations have been responsible for most of the
> rest of the improvement.
> I've taken care of un-immunized kids with diphtheria,
> whooping cough, tetanus, and polio.  They're horrible
> diseases and they're still all around us.

Indeed. I've seen some horrible things happening to children in
Africa. The fact that it still happens makes these little graves so
much more touching.


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