Abby is a beautiful abyssinian cat who owns our neighbours (yeah,  
real original name guys).  I don't think she's purebred: she doesn't  
seem quite as thin as abyssinians normally are.

A while ago she heard me fooling about on my bike and came for a  
look.  That taught her that bike = attention, then she eventually  
learned that the sound of the garage door opening usually precedes  
the bike coming out, so she'll often come running across the road  
when she hears me opening the garage.

She's very curious, very friendly and quite talkative; you can have  
very interesting conversations with her.  She likes to explore the  
back yard, climb our trees, roll in the catmint and help us in the  

I recently blew nearly an entire roll of film on her, but I'm sure  
you'll agree that she's worth it :)

- Dave

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