Greetings fellow PDMLer's,
I haven't posted in a while, but I have been reading a few of the  
posts every now and then. Just before Thanksgiving I purchased a K  
500 f/4.5 from KEH to use for my bird photography. I figured with all  
the folks jumping on the  K10D bandwagon that the older pentax   
lenses might get scarcer yet. And since I can't afford the dream FA*  
600/4 yet that this may be the next best substitute.  I got a brief  
chance last weekend to try it out and it is really not bad at all  
other than the manual focus required. But there is no way effectively  
to shoot with it hand held.  I managed to get a couple decent bird  
shots, one of which was my first encounter with the Golden Crowned  
By this time of the day the light was beginning to dwindle so I felt  
very fortunate to capture this little fellow: 
Taken with the *istDL.

Thanks for looking and feedback if you are so inclined,

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

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