Godfrey DiGiorgi wrote:

>On Dec 12, 2006, at 3:46 PM, Tom C wrote:
>> Oh well, it show hows unprofessional the whole thing might have  
>> been.  I was being given less than 24 hours notice before she 
>> needed to have the material completed.
>Happens all the time. I had three people request usage rights for a  
>couple of pictures. All three were from Australia ... by the time I  
>got the email 10-12 hours later, their deadlines were up and they 
>had to go with a different photo from a local photographer.

Indeed. It's sometimes the real professional outfits that come in 
closest to desperate deadlines. The shoot I did for Runner's World 
magazine came with just 24 hours notice and they were already *past* 
their official deadline for the issue in which the images were to 
appear. (They had been trying to find stock images that would fit their 
needs and couldn't come up with any.)

I've had similar situaltions with smaller, regional publications. 
Last-minute rushes are par for the course in the publishing business.

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