On 12/14/06, Godfrey DiGiorgi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Dec 14, 2006, at 5:46 AM, Perry Pellechia wrote:
> > Thanks for the test but I think your process is a little flawed when
> > it came to Silkypix.   You had a pre-disposition towards SP and your
> > final conclusion remained the same.  I do not expect you to take a
> > week to learn the program to make a valid comparison.  However, you
> > could pass these RAW files to someone who actually knows how to use
> > the program and have them ship back to you PSD files or another format
> > that you can print to make a correct comparison.
> Perry,
> I disagree.
> I went into trying to use Silkypix with as objective an attitude as
> possible. I was testing for usability and quality *for my purposes*.
> I process several hundred photos a week and need quality,
> learnability, usability and productivity. Passing the RAW files to
> someone else to process teaches me nothing and is not a valid test
> method for this purpose.
> Others whose opinions I respect and who produce photographs I admire
> have found Silkypix does a good job for them and have shown results
> that look good. More power to them! But it's not enough of a
> motivation for me to suffer through working with intractable software
> given that I'm getting quality that satisfies me with tools I find
> useful to work with.
> I'm offering my opinions based on what works for my use. That is what
> I have to consider as important.  :-)

You opened you email with a statement that your motivation for running
the test was to see if SP did a better job of conversion than other
methods you were using.   I assumed that you were trying to determine
if SP offered any advantage.  I understand that a tool is useless if
you cannot figure out how to use it and I did not expect you to take a
lot of time trying to learn it.  However, there was no point even
including SP in your report if you did not get the best result from
it.  You have made it clear that SP does not fit your workflow.

Again, I am not trying to go JCO on you.  I was just making a
suggestion that your test could have been more fair to SP by allowing
a skilled user to produce a test image.   I respect your choice in
rejecting SP for your own use and I certainly do not think you are
obligated to complete testings to satisfy me.

Oh, :-)


Perry Pellechia

Primary email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Alternate email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Home Page: http://homer.chem.sc.edu/perry

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