Hello all!  Found this list after intensely studying Stan's Pentax  
page trying to figure out what in the world I was doing with lenses  
for my new baby.

I learned on my dad's K1000 (more later) and after a hiatus until  
early adulthood I got back into photography but went Canon with an  
EOS-3 and a Tokina 28-80/2.8 as my mainstay lens and a couple of  
primes.  I went broke feeding film into that camera so when digital  
started hitting it big I grabbed a Canon G3 and ditched my EOS  
system.  I then had a Sigma SD-9 and then a Sony DMC-V1 that I went  
to the extent of getting a Metz 50 MZ-5 system for.

The Sony has long since been wanting to be retired so I started  
looking at another bridge camera.  That's when I saw reviews for the  
new Pentax K digitals.  I had thought about an ist-D a bit back but  
never made the leap.  I went and found the trusty K1000 and sure  
enough the M 50/2 and Takumar 135/2.8 were still with it.  Not the  
best lenses in the world but hey, a start.  When I saw these would  
work with the new digitals I  made the leap and went for K110D  
deciding I really didn't need shake reduction.

After much confusion and screwing up of my order I ended up getting  
the kit lens which isn't too bad but after doing my first Christmas  
photos in Lightroom and PS CS3 beta I saw just how many shots I was  
taking at 50 or 55mm.  I was going to get an ultra-wide zoom but  
decided to get some manual primes instead given these results but I  
can't find an FA50 in stock anywhere with a UPC intact (with the  
Pentax rebates going on I wonder where those UPCs went?? hmmmm).

After much debate, back and forth, etc, I picked up an A 50/1.4 from  
KEH and saw by complete accident an M 28/3.5 at Adorama and grabbed  
both along with the new Metz SCA adapter so hopefully I should be  
doing some decent flash work soon.  I did Christmas completely in RAW  
with the kit lens, the M 50 and the Takumar and I was really pleased  
with how the shots came out aside from the obligatory tweaking I had  
to do in Lightroom and PS.  After working with JPEGs for a long time  
since the SD-9 (which has a proprietary RAW) working in a RAW  
workflow is a godsend.  It was actually a joy to work in Lightroom  
and then send images that needed more care over to PS if they needed  
it and then have Lightroom recognize the PS update and add that to  
the shoot.  Adobe has been doing some great work there.

So, I look forward to tips and suggestions, any thoughts on lens  
areas I may wish to fill in would be welcome.  I'm considering  
holding out a few months until the new f2.8 zooms come out, the  
17-50/2.8 likely being the prime target.

  My meager start is up at http://www.flickr.com/photos/wgfinley


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