On Dec 29, 2006, at 11:07 AM, Shel Belinkoff wrote:

> What a fuckin' crock of shit.  There is a big difference between a  
> species
> becoming extinct naturally and its extinction at the hand of man  
> through
> our contribution to climate change.  I suppose it's OK for tigers  
> to become
> extinct through our predatory hunting practices.  It's their  
> time ... how
> many species are now extinct, or on the verge of extinction,  
> because of man
> or man's contribution to their demise.  Far too many, IMO.

I think you misunderstand me.  I'm saying that if polar bears go  
extinct due to natural climate cycles, then it was their time to go.   
I believe that global warming is "voodoo science" of the worst kind.   
Antarctica was colder than normal last winter.

There's a damned big difference between polar bears adapting or dying  
out and something like whales dying out because we're killing them.


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