David Mann wrote:
> On Jan 3, 2007, at 2:22 PM, Godfrey DiGiorgi wrote:
>> Having spent a good part of two days on and off scanning P645
>> negatives, I'm resigned to the fact that this process is hopelessly,
>> infuriatingly tedious and unproductive. I remember now why I was so
>> happy to be done with it.
> Scanning medium format is pretty tedious.  When I scan I sit aside  
> with a book as each scan takes about 15 minutes after I've finished  
> fiddling with the settings.  Later in the evening I'll process the  
> files in Photoshop with some music on.  The dICE doesn't seem to work  
> as well with 6x7 slides so the dust spotting takes a while.
> 35mm isn't too bad once I get into a good workflow.  At the moment  
> I'm slowly working through a shoebox of old Kodachromes that someone  
> asked me to scan.  Those ones are driving me slightly crazy.
> - Dave

Interesting. What scanner are you using? My 4490 does a 6x6 slide in 3 
minutes or so at 2400dpi once I've picked the settings (optical limits 
of the pre-V series Epson flatbeds is around 2000dpi so there's no real 
point to scanning at higher resolutions).

And Kodachrome is a royal pain to scan. One reason I avoid the stuff.


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