
 From school --> Drawing Office/Toolroom Metal Box Company, Cape Town;
Ranching in Rhodesia for seven years; Big Game hunting safaris to make 
money; Built and customized big game rifles - also for money. 
Manufactured chambering reamers as well. Then used this money for -->
University of Cape Town 1958 - 1975 BSc Microbiology; MSc Organic 
Chemistry; PhD Electron Microscopy (Bacteriology); Lecturer in 
Microbiology; Head of Electron Microscope Laboratory -->
Medical Research Council - Director, Institute for Electron Microscopy 
1975 - 1982;
Moved to Finland 1982; University of Jyväskylä two years; Started 
Holosoft Oy, Turbosoft Oy and Borland Finland Oy; sold companies to 
Ravenholm, Denmark, in 1993.

Since then I've written a few dozen articles for Nokia, Telecom Finland 
and edited scientific publications for a couple of University 
departments. I have also examined theses; written a couple of novels; 
and still do private research in Protozoology. I sometimes take 
pictures; fell trees; ride a mountain bike whilst waiting for the day I 
shrug off these mortal coils.

This is a mess and incomplete.


Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

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