On 1/6/07, David Savage <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have 600GB (51% full), RAID 0 with 0 partitions, that I lovingly call  "C"
> :-)
Ah, the wonders of raid 0.  My first and only SCSI system included a
matched pair of Seagate drives.  It booted Redhat 7pointsomething.
One fine day a drive wouldn't post.  Of course, it was nothing a low
level format wouldn't fix.  :-S.

I found out a few weeks later, after abandoning raid 0, that a bit of
mechanical agitation was all that was needed to get the drive going
again (a swift kick to the side of the case).

I now have three partitions on a single disk: /boot, /root, and /.
The DOS boxes have C: and D:.  Life is simple.

Scott Loveless
Shoot more film!

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