Yeah I know well I will try to do as simple as possible but since the
subject is not, please be kind with me...

Speaking about external flashes only (not RTF one).

ist-D and ist-DS do support TTL (although with the D it really is not
very reliable)
all others DSLRs do NOT support TTL.

In all the case, all DSLRs support P-TTL.

Now the trick is... Metz has yet to produce an adapter which provides
P-TTL support to their very good flashes which means that... even the
most advanced Metz flash can at this time only work in neither TTL nor
PTTL with Pentax DSLRs except ist-D and DS with which they will work
in TTL mode.

So in a word you're stuck with Auto and manual mode. They * should *
work but... in read a couple times that 3702 has a couple problems in
A mode with DSLRs... Howver 3701 has no problem.

Of course Metz coming with a proper adapter would be a nice solution
but for the time being... we are ... stuck shall I say :(

Hope you see now why this stuff is complicated ... but Metz is right
with their specifications...


Thibault Massart aka Thibouille
*ist-D,Z1,SuperA,KX,MX, P30t and KR-10x ;) ...

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