Den 11. jan. 2007 kl. 20.04 skrev Boris Liberman:

> Bob,
> Bob Sullivan wrote:
>> I've heard that Boris's Russian countryman, Alexander Solzenitzen,
>> thought the gulags would have been a lot emptier in their day if the
>> secret police were uncertain which of their middle of the night raids
>> would have been met with a loaded gun.
>> Regards,  Bob S.
> Some years ago Solzhenitzin (never mind the spelling) produced a book
> called "(Russians and Jews,) Two Hundred Years Together". It was  
> written
> like a historical kind of work. You know with references and all  
> such. I
> read the first volume. I decided to keep away from the second. In  
> simple
> words, this "work" is basis for so called "intellectual anti-semitism"
> where the anti-semite does not just say that he or she despises Jews,
> but rather gives very thorough, intellectual, logical proof why  
> this is
> the right thing to do. Since then, I have very little sentiment for  
> the man.
> Just to make sure this little detail is known to the list.
> Boris

Thanks Boris.

Somehow, but I donĀ“t remember why, that does not surprise me. I  
remember him as being controversial.


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