I was not objecting about a request for chocolate recipies, not would
I object to a response that provided a recipie.  I object to a
response that goes off on a political sermon that has nothing to do
with photography and very little to do with chocolate recipies.

Don't get me wrong.  I like to discuss politics.  I do so on fora that
are established for that purpose.  I do not discuss Pentx cameras on
political lists.  Similarly, I do noit discuss politics here.

There are many issues and causes in which I have passionate interests.
 I assume that most here are the same.  Our common interest is Pentax
cameras.  That is what we should discuss, together with related topics
such as improving the photographs we take.

This is an interesting group.  Perhaps someone should set up a forum
for discussion of social and political issues for people from various
countries around the globe.  It would be interesting.

Dan M

On 1/12/07, Shel Belinkoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I wasn't going to reply to your comment because a response might have
> started a flame war <vbg>, however, the fact that you mention fair trade
> coffee could be considered by some as pushing a political or social agenda.
> You could have made your point without the first sentence in your reply.
> Still, I might point out - and not in any judgmental fashion - that the
> most recent flame wars have been over equipment, not bison, buffalo, Native
> Americans, guns, or any of the recent social, historical, or political
> topics that were touched on in the American Fence and other threads.  Those
> subjects were handled pretty well, imo, especially considering the strong
> sentiments such topics may stir up.
> Plus, this list, more than many, has a long history of off topic
> discussions, some, or many, of which, are just so boring to the majority of
> the list that only a few people participate, and since they are often
> like-minded souls, there's little concern about flames and disruption to
> the entire list.  Most are of seemingly inconsequential subjects, but as we
> saw with the recent "discussion" about the aperture simulator, most any
> topic can erupt at almost any time.  Remaining on topic is no guarantee
> that hostilities won't emerge.
> So, are you suggesting that asking for a hot chocolate recipe might incite
> the list any more than some other topic, or was there something in the
> question and the responses that give you cause for concern?  In what way
> was asking for a recipe, and were the responses, pushing "political and
> social agendas?"  Should we not ask any off topic questions?
> Shel
> > [Original Message]
> > From: Daniel J. Matyola
> > Well, I don't dring hot chocolate, just coffee, and mostly fair trade
> > at that.  I just think that pushing political and social agendas on a
> > photography forum is a misuse of the forum and eventually will lead to
> > more flame wars.  Just my opinion.  YMMV
> >
> >  Otis C. Wright, Jr. wrote:
> > > And what have you been putting in your Hot Choclate.
> > > Daniel J. Matyola wrote:
> > >
> > > >This is a photography forum.
> > > >Let's not each be pushing our pet
> > > >politiclal/social causes and brand names.
> --
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> PDML@pdml.net
> http://pdml.net/mailman/listinfo/pdml_pdml.net

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