1998 was a long time ago with the current rate of change going on, Bob.

Other photos show that the once-considered "permanent" ice pack at  
the peak is very nearly gone in the past four years. There is some  
seasonal variation but the trends all point in one direction.

Deforestation in conjunction with a warming climate are the causes of  
these trends.


On Jan 23, 2007, at 2:39 PM, Bob W wrote:

> I know it's disappearing. But I flew over it in Feb/Mar 1998 and there
> was a fair bit of snow on top.
>> I fear your information is out of date. The snowcap on
>> Kilimanjaro is
>> disappearing in the past few decades, and accelerating in the past
>> few years, based on the photo record. Here are three photos taken at
>> the same time of year in 1970, 2000 and 2005:
>> http://homepage.mac.com/godders/kilimanjaro.jpg
>> Within a few years, it will disappear entirely.
>>> I flew over Kilimanjaro a few years ago - very nice sight, plenty of
>>> clouds round it but the snowcap was quite plain to see.

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