Since I bought the FA28/2.8 AL very recently and have been shooting  
with the FA35/2 AL for over a year, I've been very interested in how  
their performance compares. To test them, I've carried both with me  
for the past three day's walking around the neighborhood  with the  
K10D and taken a range of photos of same and similar subject matter  
with both, using Av and testing in sequence f/2.8, f/4, f/5.6, f/8, f/ 
11 lens openings.

I sorted all the exposures by lens opening after doing quick and  
basic white balance and exposure adjustments with Camera Raw to  
render them approximately even in exposure value on common target  
points. No sharpening of any kind or any adjustment to contrast was  
performed, they're all set at the defaults on those parameters. The  
exposures were then output to full resolution, minimum compression  
JPEGs for comparison.

Results are pretty simple:

- Rendering qualities of both lenses are virtually identical and very  
pleasing, with the FA28 having a slight edge between f/2.8 and f/5.6.

- Sharpness at f/2.8 is better on the FA35 (indeed, sharpness at f/2  
with the FA35 beats the FA28 wide open). Contrast on the FA28 is also  
slightly lower at f/2.8.

- Sharpness and contrast come up very fast on the FA28 ... by f/4,  
they are extremely close to the FA35, and by f/5.6 the two lenses are  
virtually indistinguisable from one another.

The softness of the FA28 wide open make it less suitable for very low  
light work with hard edged subject matter, but its f/2.8 maximum  
aperture puts it at a disadvantage to the FA35 for that kind of work  
anyway. The slight improvement in rendering qualities nets a slightly  
more pleasing photo in some instances at f/2.8 and f/4 when ultimate  
detailing is not as significant.

For low light work, the FA35/2 is the obvious choice and the FA28/2.8  
works out better in more average lighting situations.

However, the primary reason for wanting the FA28 has nothing to do  
with ultimate sharpness wide open, it has more to do with field of  
view dynamics ... you can't substitute a DA40 or FA35 without giving  
up the FoV characteristics. Since most of my street photography is  
done at f/5.6 to f/11, and focused by zone rather than with AF or  
manual focusing through the lens, the FA28 is a very useful lens for  
my needs.

BTW, I also compared it to the Pentax-A 28/2.8 exposures I'd made way  
back when I first got the *ist DS. The FA28/2.8 AL performs  
SIGNIFICANTLY better than the pristine A28/2.8 wide open and I see no  
sacrifice of the latter lens' superb OOF rendering qualities. By f/ 
5.6, the A28/2.8 is almost on par, but the FA28 continues to have  
better sharpness and contrast all the way through the aperture range.

BTW: in the course of testing with these two lenses, I also was  
playing with the Program exposure mode on the K10D, trying to see  
differences between the "Normal" and "MTF" program lines. With the  
FA28, the MTF program line favors f/4 to f/5.6 through the majority  
of the range, where the normal program line tends to run it between f/ 
5.6 and f/8.

I *still* want a Pentax-DA 28mm f/2 Limited lens. ;-)


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