On 1/28/07, William Robb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Mark Cassino"
> Subject: Re: IE7 and photo uploading
> > I've had a lot of problems with IE7 - both the 64 bit version on my X64
> > machine and the 32 bit version on my 32 bit machine. I have several
> > browsers on both - Netscape, Firefox, Opera - to test drive my website
> > etc, so I just switch to those if need be.
> >
> > How do you go back to IE 6? I commented to someone that I wanted to do
> > that, and got a free lecture on how IE6 was just a security breach
> > waiting to happen, so I gave up on the plan...
> IE7 autoloaded itself on my machine, which promptly stopped working.
> I ended up doing a format and reinstall of my OS and programs.
Ugh!  That sucks.  If your machine is still set to pull updates from
M$ automatically it's going to do it again.  I found during the course
of my most recent job that Earthlink's Protection Control Center had
some conflicts with IE7.  Our solution was to uninstall IE7 or
uninstall PCC.  Either worked.  Considering this conflict did not
occur with IE6, Firefox, Opera, Lynx, or any other browser ever made
by anyone anywhere, it's safe to assume that M$ broke something.
Based on M$'s history of bullying and shoddy, over-bloated crapware,
this shouldn't be surprising to anyone.  If you're having problems
with IE7 try disabling anti-virus, anti-spyware, firewall software,
etc. until you figure out where the conflict is.  Then you can make a
decision about which to remove permanently.

The only reason I currently have XP installed is because I made some
poor hardware choices.  Linux/BSD doesn't quite support all the
features of my printer.  They don't support the scanner at all.  I'll
limp XP along until M$ stops supporting it.  At that point I'll either
buy a new printer and scanner, or get a Mac, or both.  Either way,
Linux or OSX, I'm on my last DOS installation.

I'll stop ranting now.

Scott Loveless
Shoot more film!

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