I have absolutely no problem choosing camera brand Christian. I'm a Fuji man
and will be forever. 

Seriously. My decision is made. I'll just have to wait a couple of weeks
until my account is refilled, and off course until Pentax is able to refill
the Norwegian market. I might by from France, I've found a good price there.
That I haven't decided yet. 

I'm not trying to prove that Pentax is best. I'm just provoked because
reviewers seem to simply echo the Canon marketing department without
thinking. Why am I provoked? Because reviewers are influential, reviewers
and the camera pushers in the shops are those who decides what average Joe
buys. I want my brand to survive. Perhaps I'm a fanboy? 

Mostly harmless (just plain Norwegian)

-----Original Message-----
Sent: 29. januar 2007 19:00
To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
Subject: Re: Camera based SR vs. lens based IS?

Tim Øsleby wrote:
> Perhaps I'd better add a few words about why I ask this question. 
> I've read a review that almost quotes the Canon marketing department on
> issue. I'm ok with that, but when the author serves this as the truth I
> react. So now I have a debate going in a Norwegian forum about this issue.
> BTW. I didn't start it, some other guy questioned the quoting first. 

Pentax's sensor-based SR is better.  Nikon and Canon are evil and 
covering up for their inability to produce the in-camera based system by 
putting it down and telling the public that the lens based system is 
better.  Does that help validate your choice of camera brand?

My point is: why do you care what some crappy reviewer has to say?  It 
seems to me that users of any camera brand have this massive inferiority 
complex and need their purchases validated.  My digi-rebel using friend 
constantly "proves" to me that the noise on his camera is less than 
mine.  He is proving to me all the time that the 17-40 L lens is 
"better" than the 16-35 L because he owns the 17-40.  He also loves to 
prove that his APS-sensored rebel is "better" than a full-frame 5D, etc, 

Personally, I use what I got and just try to make pictures.



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