
>>... However I have Pentax utilities stored on a SD card
>>right inside my ist-Ds "just in case" as they occupy roughly the space
>>of 2 RAW images (PC version) and the conversions are usually very good
>>(version 3 based on SilkyPix) and certainly better than in-camera  
>>JPEGs.  ...
> That's a curious strategy ... why would you waste the space on your  
> camera storage card to have these items there? Do you launch them  
> directly from the storage card when you're doing an upload to the  
> computer?

when travelling I usually don't take my computer with me. But I like to 
have an option to see my pictures on a computer screen should I decide 
for example to print some of them. I can find a suitable PC almost 
anywhere but unfortunately most of them can't display Pentax RAW.
In that case I can use Pentax Browser and/or Laboratory and they can run 
straight from the card, there's no need of installation.

However, in the meantime I've stumbled upon PEF2JPG utility which should 
be sufficient for that purpose, so eventually I might reclaim those 
"wasted" 14MB from my SD card and put this utility (measly 86kB) there 


BTW until now I wasn't aware that in each .PEF file, the RAW data are 
accompanied by full sized JPEG picture. You can't choose its quality on 
pre-K10D cameras, but for 4x6 prints or the web use it should be more 
than enough anyway.

> I have all my RAW processing and image manipulation software  
> installed on both desktop and laptop, there's no need to have a  
> backup copy on the storage card.

that's fine as long as you have some of yours computers with you.



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