Godfrey DiGiorgi wrote:
>>> I've taken to playing chicken with aggresive cyclists on  
>>> pavements.  The ones who are courteous and careful I have no  
>>> problems with; I realise that it's my judgement as to who is c&c.   
>>> But it's just so much fun watching their faces as they realise  
>>> just how big I am and I'm _not_ getting out of the way.....
>> I do the same these days. It helps that I've usually got 100lbs on  
>> them
>> and the bike combined (I'm 6'3" and 290lbs). Where I work is a one way
>> street and the couriers like to use the sidewalk to go the other way
>> instead of going north to the street that runs the other way.
> if you're complaining about their behavior and then you stand in the  
> way on purpose, you're doing the same thing they are ... putting  
> yourself and another person in harm's way needlessly ... and  
> contradicting the implicit judgment you've made with your complaint.  
> That puts you into the same class of hooliganism that they are  
> practicing: "I can do what I want without respecting anyone else."
> All possibilities invite when you're still young and immortal ...
> Godfrey

No, I simply don't move out of the way when they illegally ride on the 
sidewalk. There is a large difference between the actively dangerous 
behavior that the couriers are doing and my refusal to make their 
lawbreaking easier. I'm not actively confronting them, simply choosing 
not to enable their illegal activities.

Note the only time I've been hit by one was when I was getting out of 
their way. I don't anymore.


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