On 2/9/07, frank theriault <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 2/7/07, Mark Roberts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I shot a roll of Kodak Plus-X in the 645 at GFM last June. Scott
> > Loveless actually souped the stuff for me on site but I didn't get
> > around to scanning them until a couple of weeks ago. No real standouts
> > amongst them but a few that aren't bad. Here are four shots:
> > http://www.robertstech.com/temp/gfmbw/
> I've been in lurk mode for about a month or more, but I must pop out
> of my hole (in groundhog-like manner) for a moment to tell you how
> gorgeous These are, and how MF film just can't be beat.  There's
> detail and tonality here that's incredible - I'd love to see the
> prints!!
> In fact, I'm guessing I'll get to see originals in early June, on the
> way to GFM...  ;-)
> Great stuff!!
Agreed!  I remember taking the negatives out of the tank and saying to
Mat, "That guy really understands exposure!", or something similar.  I
don't think web viewing does them any justice.  Perhaps some 8x10 or
larger fiber based glossies would be in order.

For the record, Mark told me he exposed the Plus-X at 125.  Kodak's
recommended dev time for HC-110 dil B is under four minutes.  Dev
times that short scare me.  I think I ended up doubling the dilution
and almost doubling the dev time.

Anyway, wonderful photos.  Every time someone posts something like
this, I start considering getting myself a 645.  Here we go

P.S. - Hi, Frank!

Scott Loveless
Shoot more film!

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