Hi Marnie,

> That was my first reaction, then when I  looked at the color I wasn't sure 
> why you added the shadows to the top. You do  realize that it is reversed 
> from 
> what would be normal? Shadows would be at the  bottom. I think you were going 
> for mood, but when one reverses a normal  situation one has to be careful. It 
> will disturb us because it is reversed, but  on the other hand, we will also 
> question its reality.  All I can say is it  doesn't really work for me. Maybe 
> if 
> it had more of a hint of shadows, but right  now it is too dark for me. 
> Take with a grain of salt, my  .02.

thank you for your opinion. Actually I haven't realized that I reversed 
reality, I just wanted way more contrasty look. :-) The result looks 
approximately the way I've envisioned it (at least on my display, which 
is fairly low on contrast). But as I wrote in an other message in this 
thread, I was just playing with the picture and it took about 3 minutes 
to create the B&W version so I am aware it's far from perfect...



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