then I would suggest the party not engage first in
this type of discord.

-----Original Message-----
mike wilson
Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2007 3:36 AM
To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
Subject: RE: Pentax K 28mm f2.0 Lens

Reply at the bottom.
> From: "J. C. O'Connell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 2007/02/15 Thu AM 01:19:10 GMT
> To: "'Pentax-Discuss Mail List'" <>
> Subject: RE: Pentax K 28mm f2.0 Lens
> Screw You Dude.
> thats not what happened.
> All I did was mention that someone was confusing
> one function with another and they lost it and
> started into a foul mouthed personal attack tirade
> against me which I will always respond to in kind.
> I did not start this kind of thing, I never do.
> I only respond that when when provoked first and
> without cause.
> And conversations are conversations, they always
> stray away from the original topic. when anybody
> else does it, its a conversation, when I do it,
> it's called hijacking. Just another load of
> total bullshit as usual to divert the attention
> away from these stupid posts of theirs without any kind
> of valid on topic rebuttals to my contentions.
> jco
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
> Of Godfrey DiGiorgi
> Sent: Wednesday, February 14, 2007 8:03 PM
> To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
> Subject: Re: Pentax K 28mm f2.0 Lens
> On Feb 14, 2007, at 4:37 PM, Adam Maas wrote:
> >> People say they killfile others but they don't and react. Whatever
> >> one's frustration is, these languages do make anyone (at
> >> least me)
> >> feel sad.  It's only about lens, and I just have to wonder why a  
> >> little
> >> thing provokes others' mind so much.  There does not seem that any

> >> pride or
> >> I-am-superior-to-you issue involves here.
> >> Just sad.  It was not quite like this before.
> >
> > I'd killfiled him in Thunderbird, where I could see the messages
> > everytime I went into the trash to empty it. Which led to the
> > temptation
> > to actually read and respond to the message.
> >
> > He's going to /dev/null on the mailserver shortly.
> I have the idiot killfiled and normally do not read his posts at all,
> or respond. However, I have my filter set up to flag me when a  
> reference to any of my names/email addresses/etc are included. I like

> to know when a schmuck like this is using a quote from me or bad  
> mouthing me behind my back.
> I agree it's sad: It's sad that this jerk can hijack any thread he
> wants to, call people names, and fill my mailbox with mindless,  
> repetitive and foolish stupidity. It gets me angry too when he says  
> things that are obviously false and wrong, and quotes me in them,  
> even when my comment has had NOTHING to do with whatever idiotic  
> agenda he happens to be pushing at any given moment.
> So I respond in kind on those occasions..
> G

I, for one, would prefer it if both of you showed a little dignity for
yourselves and respect for the others on this list.

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