300 miles, I would kill for a good 4x5 I could afford that was only 300 
miles away <grin>. They are always too far away, or too expensive, for 
me. Now if someone would just give me an Omega D2V, and deliver it; I 
would see that he had enough beer to get drunk on the way home <grin>.

To answer your question, just about any 4x5 enlarger that is not worn 
out or broken is a good one. No one ever made junk ones, because they 
would not have stayed in business long. The ones I liked the best were 
the Durst CE-100, then the Omega D-II and D2V, then the Beslar MCRX and 
CB-7. I have an ancient DeJur that violates both of those conditions, it 
is both broken, and worn out, but still it makes a decent 8x10. Those 
are the ones I have actually used.


Scott Loveless wrote:
> On 2/16/07, Godfrey DiGiorgi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On Feb 16, 2007, at 9:52 AM, Scott Loveless wrote:
>>> I need to order a bulk loader for 35mm long roll film.  The two that
>>> seem to be widely available are the Lloyd and the Watson.  Anyone ever
>>> use these?  Any recommendations?
>> I used both of these bulk loaders for many years with no problems.
>> The Watson's trick frame counter and felt-less light trap is neat,
>> but in general I always preferred the simpler Lloyds design. Just
>> keep them clean and they're no problem at all.
>> Used to have a few of each, I kept finding them at swap meets and
>> buying them for a quarter apiece. I don't know if I still have any
>> around the apartment as I gave away or sold most of the darkroom gear
>> a couple of years ago. If I find one in the next couple of days, I'll
>> send it to you. Just don't hold your breath... !
>>> Also shopping for an enlarger that will handle 4x5 film.  My current
>>> rig will accommodate anything from 8mm up to 6x6.  The darkroom itself
>>> is under construction (the dimroom just didn't cut it) and I've
>>> allocated enough space for two table top enlargers.  I have no plans
>>> to make prints larger than 8x10 for quite some time.  My current
>>> requirements are small (no floor models), needs to be able to handle
>>> at least 4x5 (roll film would be nice, but not necessary), and
>>> relatively inexpensive.  Any thoughts?  Anybody got one they need
>>> hauled off?  <g>
>> The 4x5 enlargers I used to use back in the day were the Beseler 45s.
>> Wonderful old beasts. This stuff goes for virtually nothing these
>> days. Just hunt around and you'll find one.
>> Take a look at Ebay item #220079735590 ... Jeez, a Beseler 45 MX II
>> Enlarger with Dichro 45 Computerized Colorhead and D.A.T.A. Module
>> current bid is $31. A recent auction for a Beseler 45 MCRX Enlarger
>> (item 180083930223) closed at $125. I remember when just the enlarge
>> and head, no lens no carrier, would have cost 4x that used!
> I saw that first one a few days ago.  Doesn't look like there's been
> much activity on it.  The problem with these is that they're often
> "pick-up only".  220079735590 is located in Connecticut, about 300
> miles away.  I'm rather uneasy about driving 300 miles to buy an
> enlarger I've never seen from a seller I've never met.  I could
> probably buy Beseler Printmakers, and pay for shipping, for less than
> $100 all day long.  Unfortunately, I'm intentionally making my life
> complicated.  <g>

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