I don't know about the USB drive issue ... my external drives are  
connected with FireWire and Lightroom can import a folder of data  
from them without any problems. I imported the two 70Gbyte  
directories of photos -- 2003 and 2002 -- from my archive drive,  
handled it without a hitch.

Regards why it has to import rather than just open and work on a  
file ... It's a database system so it has to collect information  
about each of the files you want it to deal with.

Regards why it has no "save as" function ... Again, it's a database  
and supposed to be the environment in which you work. Edits are all  
non-destructive ... you can go back to the original image file sans  
edits at any time. When you want to solidify a particular rendering  
into a final product, you "export" it with all edits applied. If you  
want to edit something with Photoshop CS2 and keep it in the library,  
you export it to PSCS2 with the edits you've done in LR intact, do  
your editing, then return to Lightroom for printing and other  
operations. It's a different workflow model compared to what you're  
used to.

You should look up some of the tutorial videos if you care enough to  
learn and understand it. If you're happy with what your doing and  
don't think it has any value for you, so it goes ... it was free,  
right? Others can download the 30 free trial and have the same  

Adobe has useful tutorial videos:

Photoshop User has useful tutorial videos:

I like Michael Tapes videos:

My paid for copy hasn't arrived yet so I'm working with the free  
trial until it gets here next week. So far, I've rendered 7 sets of  
photos since I installed it yesterday ... so I'm pretty happy with it.


On Feb 21, 2007, at 11:13 PM, J and K Messervy wrote:

> I've just installed my free copy of Lightroom.  My normal workflow  
> involves
> Raw Converter, Adobe Bridge, ACR and Photoshop CS2.  I organise all  
> of my
> pics through Adobe Bridge and launch ACR and CS2 from there.  That  
> works
> well for me.
> Being offered something for free, I naturally checked it out.  Now  
> I've got
> to say the interface is not very user friendly.  It tells me that I  
> have to
> import a library of photos....why  the hell can't I just open and  
> work on
> photos I have saved already?!
> Fine I think, I'll import some photos and have a play.  I try to  
> set up auto
> import to import all of my recent photos.  Nope, I'm told the  
> folder can't
> be used.  It appears that Lightroom will not allow me to use  
> external hard
> drives that are connected by USB.  WTF?  I doubt too many  
> photographers
> store all their images on their internal hard drive.  I'm sure as  
> hell not
> going to start trying to cram my 400 or so Gb of image files onto  
> my 60Gb
> laptop drive!
> Anyway, I put that issue aside and managed to import a folder  
> manually from
> my external drive.  I tried developing a RAW file.  It seemed to  
> work okay.
> Of course, I then tried to save it as a converted file...no save  
> option???!!
> It seems I have to 'export' it to CS2.
> Am I missing something obvious or is Lightroom an entirely to  
> restrictive
> and useless application?  What does it offer that the traditional
> Bridge-ACR-Bridge-CS2 workflow doesn't, besides frustration?
> Please enlighten me before I remove the programme from my computer!
> James
> -- 
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