Tom C wrote:
>> He did make gobs of money off it, and IIRC, won a few Academy Awards.
>> I didn't see the movie, but I would surmise that we are in the minority
>> based on it's market performance.
> I didn't see it either. First I don't like DiCaprio, second there was such a 
> big build up to it that I was turned off, and third I already knew the 
> ending.
>> Anyway, the tomb of Jesus is just onother a leap of faith, no more, or less
>> credible any any other religious belief.
>> William Robb
> Less credible actually.  There's eye-witness accounts in the Bible (not just 
> Jesus), real places, names, chronology that has proven to be accurate by 
> archaeological discovery.  The fact that really the entire world bases their 
> calendar on the birth of this one man has some power behind it (yes I know 
> there are other calendars, but to work in the modern world one must 
> convert).
> Tom C.

Convert? To what?
Or, I guess the operative question is, FROM what, to what?
I've lived well and long in this modern world, and haven't needed any 
conversion at all!

keith whaley

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