On 3/03/07 11:31 AM, "Markus Maurer", <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> If I could wish I want an additional "old style" flash connector like nearly
> every film SLR has on digital bodies too.
> With that I could  use every small and cheap old flash with a cable or grip
> in any direction, thats even better than only tilt/swivel.
> I would not mind yet setting the camera to manual mode but that may change
> as soon as I start enjoying the comfort
> of a DSLR andy maybe wireless flash in the future.

If I go that length, I would rather use my '"real" flash.  If I have a
helper, I would certainly use a second flash tripped wirelessly.

> All my recent "Zurich carneval" shots are made with a manual Ricoh and a
> Metz on a grip in automatic mode at F5.6, camera at F8.
> I was easy enough for me yet.... ;-)
> http://www.mypage.bluewin.ch/solicom/Fastnacht2007/index.html

Yeah, I saw those. They are fabulous shots, Markus.  Well exposed.  Drum set
shows some harsh shadow but you cannot avoid it with a clip on flash with no
diffuser.  I rarely use my "real" flash for direct frontal lighting without
some kind of diffuser, or bouncing, usually omniBounce (again, easy to carry
for a lazy man :-).  Flash photography is an interesting subject.


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