I hit the jackpot at my University's surplus yesterday and rescued
three A28mm/f2.8, a A50mm/f2 and a M50mm/f4 macro that were destined
for the metal salvage yard.  I am most excited about the macro lens
because I have read some nice comments about it in the archive.

After some inspection the M50/4 looks pretty good optically.  After
cleaning it up a bit I mounted it on the *istD and took some test
shots and really like the results.  However, the focusing binds at a
few different points.  At first I thought it was a lubrication issue
but close inspection shows a small dent in the body.  The dent is
right at the seam that runs around the body and is opposite the
focusing scale.

The question I have for those of you that have taken this (or a
similar) lens apart; is it worth trying a DIY fix on it?  Since I did
not spend any money on the lens, I am not interested in sending the
lens out for repair but would be willing to spend a few hours on it if
I could straighten it out.

My other option is to just keep using it as-is since the binding is
not all that bad and macro focusing is usually tuned by moving the
camera anyway.

I appreciate any advice.


Perry Pellechia

Primary email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Alternate email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Home Page: http://homer.chem.sc.edu/perry

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