I wasn't interested or trying to photograph a nice landscape.  I wanted to
catch the flavor of the corporation yard and document what was there in as
pleasant a manner as possible.  There are enough better landscapes in the
Napa area than the one seen in the background of this facility.  Perhaps
I'm jaded, but from where we were standing there was nothing to be seen
that was outstanding or particularly beautiful.   Knowing the area as I do,
had I wanted to shoot landscapes, other places further north or to the west
would have been far more interesting.

Thanks for explaining your position.


> [Original Message]
> From: Henk Terhell 

> Shel, I'll try to explain how I see it. 
> The roadblocks or whatever they are in the foreground are not at all
> interesting to me, and make this a view on an industrial area, whereas
> there is a nice landscape with cloudy sky around these weird
> pseudo-windmills or pseudo-rockets. By cropping within landscape-format,
> this to me results in a better picture although the horizon gets a bit
> too low. Marnie catched this idea of windmills look-alike well and just
> concentrated on this. But her pic shows a minimum of landscape in the
> distance. Cropping your picture to get rid of these distracting white
> roadblocks makes it more dramatic and surely would make the position of
> these silos within the landscape entirely different to Marnie's picture,
> though it is lacking some of the area in the distance. 
> If you forgive me, I would say that if you are aiming only for some
> context as you remark, then all you get is a not so interesting
> documentary picture showing the area of Napa, California.

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