The nightmare had become reality. Late Friday a United States  
Marshall came to our front door with legal papers served for Grace's  
father. He's an unemployed alcoholic, part-time drug dealer who lives  
near Edinburg, Scotland. But like all citizens of the Uk, he's  
entitled to free legal aid. So when my daughter, who was tired of  
being beaten and locked in an apartment, fled Scotland with Grace, he  
sought legal aid. He doesn't really want Grace. He wants to punish my  
daughter for leaving him. But the UK legal aid system is monstrous.  
They were able to retain the best law firm in Michigan to represent  
him. The law firm evidently was able to pull some strings. We weren't  
served papers until Friday night for a Monday court appearance. The  
first lawyer my daughter talked to wanted a 20K US retainer just to  
show up. Luckily, I have some friends in law as well. I eventually  
found a very aggressive young woman lawyer who will represent us  
tomorrow. I still have to come up with a six K retainer, but that's  
better than twenty K. I think the Brits and their social welfare  
state should go directly to hell.

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