links don't work...  :-(

> Not bad photos at all, Markus.
> Of course,  by now someone has told you that commas slipped into your urls
> (my). I easily  found them, removed them, and was able to view your pages.
> In the future,  I suggest you do what I do. I set up my PESO pages, then view
> them in a browser,  and at that [point I copy the url before I post the PESO
> to PDML. Just plug the  copy of the url from the browser into the post. That
> way I KNOW it is the right  url. Much easier all the way around.
> Now the only mistake I make is  sometimes, not often, forgetting to include
> the url itself.  Hehehehe.
> Later, Marnie aka Doe  :-)
> =======================
> Hi Pentaxians
> Last week I used  some spare time for a stroll in the old city part of Zurich
> with the K10D and  the Pentax A24mm when I saw a bottle of Single malt
> Scottish  Whisky
> labeled  "Jungfrau" (a famous Swiss mountain) In a small shopping  window so
> I had to stop.
> Just when I tried to get a shot trough the  window with a polfilter attached
> the owner came out of the shop asking what I  was doing. She said: If you
> really want to take photographs of my Whisky  bottles you have to see my
> cellar. She lead me to one of the oldest cellars  in Zurich with over 200
> different and very fine & old & limited  bottles of Scottish single malt
> whisky and even gave me 2 different sips to  taste.
> What a pleasant surprise! She asked if I would come to take  photographs at
> events too. Sadly she moves her shop next week so I have no  more opportunity
> to take
> photos with a tripod or to try some HDR exposure  combinations because of the
> very high contrast there in this historic  place.
> Anyway, the pictures are far from perfect but the story is!
> All taken with the A24mm handheld  in very low light (sadly)
> 2  sips of Whisky for the  photographer:
> http:/www.m,
> The  cellar:
> http:/www.m,
> http:/www.m,
> I  hope you enjoy my little adventure.
> Greetings
> Markus
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