Some of you may recall the story of my tripod tipping over right after I got 
my *ist D.  I lost the use of my F 35-135 macro in that incident.  The auto 
focus quit working because the lens barrel had shifted some.
I was using the lens on the K10 yesterday to take some macro shots, manually 
focused and left the lens on the body.  When I got home, I was playing with 
the camera a little and felt like the lens focused pretty easily so I tried 
switching the camera to AF.
Whadyaknow?  It works.
It's kind-of funny though.  Since I broke this one, I bought another one, 
decided it was too heavy and I really didn't like the range all that much on 
the DSLR so it went with the *ist D package when I sold it to some nice guy 
in Chicago.
Now here I have this lens a bad penny.

a little confused.

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