Hi Rob.

Long time no chat.

http://tinyurl.com/yqmc5z <-- you (it is you, right?) look very much 
like Connor McLeod here ;-).

As for your obs about K10D... I never managed to produce leveled images 
handheld consistently - neither with *istD nor with K10D. Having bought 
a monopod improved things some. However when I do align the lines in the 
viewfinder with focus bracket marks and when I manage to keep it this 
way throughout the exposure ;-) - it comes out all right.

My preferred mode of operation is very similar to yours:
P-mode (I just love hyper program two wheeled operation) with Auto ISO 
set to 100-400... It seems to work properly for me. In fact, my 
observation is that it would raise the ISO only at the last resort.

I tried using this mighty WB thingie and it worked some. However, 
obviously my camera's screen does not display WB precisely - there is 
some magenta shift. Since it is impossible to change color temperature 
of in-camera LCD screen (most probably would be or already is 
implemented in some Canon monster ;-) ) I don't bother with it any more.

You see, generally as a ballpark auto WB works for me. Then (having 
finally shelled out cash for Adobe LightRoom) I can adjust it in post 
processing. Although auto WB of my K10D is much more to the point than 
that of *istD.

Finally, thanks to certain folks here, I did buy the Adobe LightRoom and 
I love it immensely. Just yesterday I sat down and processed two dozen 
images in less than an hour. It does amaze me how fluent and user 
oriented is its whole concept.



Digital Image Studio wrote:
> Hi Team,
> ...
> http://picasaweb.google.com/distudio/Thomas?authkey=pzmnlsD2ZJI

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