There were plenty of British Loyalists available, and a few atrocities 
from both sides, mostly in the Carolinas.  The British perpetrated ones 
are better known, possibly because they were actually worse, possibly not.

John Forbes wrote:
> On Fri, 06 Apr 2007 15:51:52 +0100, graywolf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> One side's patriot is the other side's traitor. One side's freedom
>> fighter is the other side's terrorist*. However, old Ben was never a
>> combatant. Much worse, he was a diplomat encouraging the King's more
>> dangerous enemies, the French.
>> *To the best of my knowledge the rebels (revolutionists, since we won)
>> never committed atrocities against civilians. The Kings men didn't
>> always draw that line however. But, that may depend upon whose history
>> books you read.
>> -graywolf
> Since the British civilians were 4,000 miles away, it would have been hard  
> to have atrocified them.
> J
>> Christian wrote:
>>> Bob W wrote:
>>>> It's Benjamin Franklin,
>>>> terrorist,
>>> We prefer "freedom fighter" or "patriot" :-)

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