Dave O'Brien commented:
> >as long as they don't screw up my negatives, I can still go 
> >get one or two "keepers" reprinted at a pro lab.)
> It's probably best to think of minilab prints as proofs and get your
> 'keepers' done by a pro-lab.

*nod* _Exactly_.  It's just that for anything but 3x10 panoramic
prints, I've found the drug store labs to be too frustrating even
for proofs(*).  (Though if my current economic situation persists, I
may have to reconsider.  Bleah.)  If 3x10 d&p cost less at a pro
lab, or if it cost more at the drug store, the economic motivation
for putting up with the drug store problems would go away.

                                        -- Glenn

(*) Starting with the idea that even if proofs don't have to look
as spectacular as final prints, it'd be nice if they were good 
enough to actually _judge_ the frame by.  Many frames come out
just fine for proof quality from those machines, but I got tired
of the number of times I had to hand stuff back to be re-done for
various reasons, and losing the folks on either end of a group
photo (or more often, losing half a face on either end).  Plus, 
I often put the best of my proofs in a 4x6 album to carry with 
me to show friends.
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