I've been using the old LS4000 for approx 7 yrs now and its been a
solid performer. The LS50 is basically very very similar in spec to
the older 4000 ie it has a 14 bit ad converter while the LS5000 has a
16 bit ad converter.  Given my positive experience with the 4000 I
would guess that either the LS50 or the LS5000 are very good bets.



On 4/18/07, Paul Ewins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've decided that the time really has come to get a scanner for my
> accumulated 35mm negs and slides. The trouble is that there simply isn't
> much choice. Locally it boils down to the Nikon Coolscan 50 or Nikon
> Coolscan 5000. The local pricing works out at roughly US$800 or US$1600.
> There is nothing much on eBay Australia second hand - no Canoscan 4000 or
> Minolta 5400 - and I definitely want at least 4000DPI. I had a look at US
> eBay and the Canons and Minoltas were still scarce and the Nikons all seemed
> to be new. They were cheaper than I could buy them here (including postage)
> but not cheap enough to make me ignore the local warranty.
> What I did see were a number of the Nikon LS8000 medium format scanners and
> it looks like I might be able to pick one of those up for under $1000
> assuming they'll post to Australia.  A bit of poking around on the B&H and
> Calumet sites turned up the Microtek Artixscan MF scanner for US$1500 new.
> So now my choices are:
> New Coolscan 50 (bought locally) vs. 2nd hand Nikon LS8000 bought in the US
> New Coolscan 5000 (bought locally) vs. Microtek Artixscan 120tf bought new
> in the US.
> Does anybody have any direct experience with any of these units? Or have a
> Minolta 5400 to sell?
> Thanks,
> Paul Ewins
> Melbourne, Australia
> --
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> PDML@pdml.net
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Patrick Genovese

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