Excerpts follow...

TOKYO (Nikkei)--As the Pentax Corp. board reached the brink of
rejecting Hoya Corp.'s tender offer proposal, outside advisers may have
persuaded Pentax's leadership to reconsider in light of the potential 
from investors.


The market, which had generally supported the Hoya merger plan, turned
against Pentax as of that day.  After closing at 800 yen on April 9, Pentax
shares finished Tuesday at 759 yen.

"Neglect of shareholder interests can be taken only so far," a longtime
M&A banker notes.


But consultations the previous day with Daiwa Securities SMBC Co., Mizuho
Securities Co. and multiple overseas investment banks could have planted the
seeds for the change of heart.  Pentax canceled the scheduled board meeting
late Tuesday night.  In an abrupt about-face, the firm not only withdrew a
resolution opposing the proposed tender offer, but decided to carefully
consider the measure.


Had the Hoya tender offer proposal been rejected on Wednesday as
originally planned, Pentax's management would undoubtedly have faced a bleak
outcome.  Such a development would have meant a complete breakdown of
negotiations, opening up the possibility of a hostile bid by Hoya.

Institutional investors including Sparx Group Co. (8739) and Fidelity
Investment are among Pentax's top shareholders.  Given their share price
sensitivity, such an unsolicited tender offer was likely to have succeeded,
marking the first hostile takeover in Japan.


Tom C.

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

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