On Apr 19, 2007, at 9:03 AM, Scott Loveless wrote:

> Mostly digital.  All of the color work and probably a good deal of the
> black and white will be done with the K100 and K10.  Any film will be
> black and white.

You can go with continuous or flash.

>> What is your budget?
> That's funny!  <g>  Seriously, we don't want to spend too much on  
> this.
> Neither of us has ever done anything quite like this, and I doubt  
> we'll
> be selling the end product any time soon.  It's intended use is for
> personal photography and as a learning exercise.  A two light Alien  
> Bees
> package is probably at the high end of what we'd like to spend.

You need three lights, minimum.

>> For digital some of the new continuous lights that use fluorescent
>> tubes are great.  Good light quality like hot lights but almost no
>> heat. And WYSIWYG, unlike studio flash.
> Since we don't have any interest in shooting color film at this point,
> fluorescent lighting is looking attractive.  I am concerned about
> umbrellas, though.  Is there any way to use an umbrella with a 12"
> parabolic reflector?  On the low end I'm seeing single bulb and triple
> bulb lights.  Any preference?

You can't really use umbrellas with the fluorescent stuff, so far as  
I know.  Too much light loss.  Softboxes are much better than  
umbrellas, anyway.

I can't help you on the low end stuff, since I haven't tried it.


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