>Well, obviously no one liked the two mustard  fields, so another quick one
>before tonight. ;-)
>This goes with the  pleasant pastoral scene of Mt. Diablo I showed 
>-- an accompanying  photo. Stop will also be an accompanying photo to both.
>And that is  probably it for this week on my series. Although I have some
>geese shots (that  won't work) that I may show this  weekend.
>Comments  welcome.
>Marnie aka Doe

May I rain on your parade? :-) I'm doing so in all sincerity, not being mean 

If your purpose is to document man's intrusion on nature, then I think 
you've accomplished that.  I have to admit I don't quite understand the 
point of it, because 1) we ARE part of nature and 2) we obviously modify our 
environment more than any other species on the planet (I guess bovine and 
termite flatuence takes 2nd and 3rd).  The Red on Red shot leaves me 
thinking, "OK, so what? We all live in man-made domociles. Another 
neighborhood built near a mountain.  Neigborhoods have to be built 
somewhere."  The very fact that you have a digital camera that is is sitting 
upon a high peak of 200+ years (if not 1000's)  of technological 
development, allowing you to record the intrusion seems rather circular. :-) 
  Is there a point that I'm missing or not getting?

Back to the photos though...  What is it that makes these photos special to 
you? I ask because they don't strike me as special in any way.  They 
document a scene, but so does any photo.  The one that had some meaning to 
me was "Stop", because I thing you rendered the scene in an unusual way, 
with the word "Stop" on the street looming large, and the background was 
pleasing as well.  While I was personally uninterested in the subject, 
nevertheless the image drew me in and I appreciated the aesthetics of the 

That's my comments.  Not that I'm saying I'm qualified to be a judge, but in 
my personal opinion, you have one photo that rises above the ordinary, while 
the rest more or less render the scene, while remaining quite ordinary.  
They don't make any kind of statement to me, either of a scene unusually 
rendered, a beautiful scene or an ugly scene.  They evoke no emotions.

Tom C.

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