> From:
> David J Brooks
> Hi all.
> I think i may have a major problem with my PC. Pentium 4 winblows XP 
> Home.
> It will power up, i get the Nvidia dos start sceen, then the Intel
> Pentium 4 colour screen, and then it just sits  there and does nothing
> after that.
> I have hit the reboot button, and turned it off for 1-2 minutes then 
> back on.
> Am i in trouble here.
> It has been doing some odd things the past few months. Clock reset it
> self back to 1900, etc.
> Files are backed up, except the last day or so.
> Dave 

A couple of things it might be ...

The clock resetting to 1900 might indicate the CMOS battery is going 
bad. The CMOS battery maintains a small chunk of memory that retains all 
the information about the installed hardware. Without it, the computer 
may not know what is installed and where to find the hard-drive. The 
CMOS battery will be about the size of a quarter & sitting in a socket 
on the mother board. You can probably find a replacement at Radio Shack.

OTOH, it may be a windoze problem with a hosed video driver. In that 
case try starting in safe mode. IIRC, holding down the F8 key when the 
initial splash screens come up will take you there. If you get started 
in safe mode, reset the video driver to plain vanilla VGA and see if it 
will start up normally. If it does, all you have to do then is 
re-install the nVidia drivers.

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