On Fri, May 11, 2007 at 06:42:56PM +0000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Great story. I remember the first time I edited on an Avid . . .

Yep.  That's my number one "missed opportunity" story.
But it's not my only brush with fame.  I also wrote the
first ever computer program to play "Life" (and came
close to achieving fame that way, too - I tracked the
"R" pentomino for 1000 moves before I ran out of space.
If only I'd continued a little longer I'd have found the
final configuration, which is achieved after 1103 steps.
And I wrote a computer program to render Mandelbrot set
images (on a film recorder attached to an Apollo) which
Benoit Mandelbrot liked enough to ask for a set of the
prints.  In return I got him to autograph a print of
the Mandelbrot set (which I still have somewhere ...)

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