On Wed, 24 Oct 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Interesting article Juan.  Photographing people is something that always
> interested me.  However, I am not quite too sure how to approach people and
> just take their photos.  Do I just fire away without even composing a
> little bit of my photograph or simply pretend I'm taking someone else's
> picture and not being too obvious shoot at the intended subject?  Do I ask
> the person first if I can take their picture.  Then it won't be a candid
> shot anymore.
> How did you get started?  I'd like to know.

I am getting started. I'm still extremely shy, although I have days in
which I just shoot away without problems.

I never ask for permission, just because you get mostly posed shots
when you do so. Sometimes you make eye contact with the subject after
shooting, in those cases smiling is all you need. Rarely, people will
ask you why you are taking pictures, in that case is good to have a
card with the url of your web site if you have one, offer a print of
them if the pictures are good, etc. 

This page pretty much sums my experience doing street photography:



 Juan J. Buhler | Sr. FX Animator @ PDI | Photos at http://www.jbuhler.com
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