Digital Image Studio wrote:

> Thanks for doing that, in the main your results pretty much accord
> with mine, though the speed of your Maxtor is bit of a mystery. Maybe
> your Secondry contoller isn't set to DMA mode? In the Device manager
> under the IDE ATA/ATAPI controllers tab check the  Advanced Settings
> for the IDE channels, set transfer mode to "DMA if available" if it's
> not already set (that's for WK2, should be similar for XP) and see how
> it performs.

You're right about DMA and the Maxtor drive.- the drive is actually on 
the primary IDE controller but I just checked and it is operating in PIO 
mode. "DMA if available" is checked and DEMA is enabled in the BIOS - 
but PIO shows as the current mode. Maybe I have the jumpers on the drive 
set incorrectly. To be honest the drive is just sitting there as extra 
space  - the the home of stalled projects that fall outside of the 
normal work flow - and doesn't see much use.

I ran the test on one of the backup drives - a Seagate EIDE 120 gig in a
Vantec caddy. (I think there is a Western Digital in the other caddy.) 
It is on the secondary IDE channel and DMA is working for it. Running 
the test on it, it comes in on par with the 250 gig SATA - which 
surprises me since I thought that IDE was inherently slower than SATA.

> My motherboard is a 2002 Supermicro design which I commissioned in
> early 2004 so it seems like it's still offering reasonable
> performance. My local RAID 0 consists of a Pair of the original WD
> Raptors on an early Promise RAID card, maybe a later card would lead
> to a slight performance increase.

Sounds like things are working well even with a 5 year old Mobo.
> I added my Maxtor external USB drive which I use for off-line back-up
> to the table for comparison.

What size is that drive?

Aside from the WD's I'm also using an 80 gig Maxtor USB 2.0 drive and a 
40 gig Accomodata for miscellaneous backups. The Maxtor was the first 
external USB 2.0 drive I bought, I think 3 years ago now. I stumbled 
into it on the clearance table at an office supply store for only $35. I 
think that would still be a good deal for an 80 gig external drive even 

Later -


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Mark Cassino Photography
Kalamazoo, Michigan
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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